Saturday, 9 July 2011

Tranny Basher’s Reduced Sentence

It would seem in this country we reward those who beat transsexuals and cross dressers to death.  In 2009 David Shaun Galloway (18) and Phillip Christopher Sanders (42), beat 64 year old Richard Milton Jones, who was a cross dresser (the media really need to learn the different terms correctly), to death.  Originally David Galloway was sentenced to 10 years in jail for manslaughter with a minimum non parole of 5 years.  The judge gave him this sentence and time specifically because they had admitted their hatred of transsexuals.  In a police interview, Galloway said “that he followed Sanders to the flat ''to beat up a transvestite'', that he ''believed in Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve'', and that he did not deserve to live.”  Firstly, that should have been classed as murder as it was premeditated, instead of the pathetic lesser charge of manslaughter.  And Secondly, that to me sounds like definite motive for a hate crime, suggesting the judge made the right call.

Well not according to the court of appeals who this week reduced his sentence to 9 years with a minimum non parole of 4 years citing that, “the judge overstated the seriousness of the hate crime aspect of the homicide.”  Obviously the court of appeals didn't get the memo about Galloway hating tranny’s.  How stupid can these people be, he admitted to hating them and that they didn't deserve to live!  Now if they had bashed and killed some poor old “normal” (and I use the term loosely) 64 year old man, everybody would be jumping up and down crying out for more blood.  But because this old fella liked to wear woman’s clothes, he isn't as deserving of justice.  At least that is the message that the court of appeals is sending out to the public.

I am continually disheartened and disgusted with the state of this world and the people in it.  There seems to be ignorance and bigotry wherever we turn.  Its 2011 people, time to drag our arses out of the stone age and realise that we don't have the right to judge others in that way.  ALL hate crimes are unacceptable and we need to stand up an refuse to tolerate them.

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