Friday, 20 May 2011


Apparently the world is due to end on Saturday 21st May 2011.  Which has suddenly come to my attention is tomorrow!  As you can imagine I am just a tad annoyed about this debacle and certainly hope that the happy clappers (please any Christian friends I have do not take offence to this term) are wrong.  I have so many things I want to do before then.  I’m busily working on several important written pieces.  I’m also working on several not so important written pieces, but nevertheless they aren't completed yet, and I’ll be mighty pissed if they stay that way.  I also intend to do some travelling in the next year or so, first stop Rarotonga.  Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting to spend a week on a tropical island with a cocktail or ten in my hand?  TOO LONG!  Sometime after that I’m planning a trip to the good old USA, I’ve always wanted to visit New York and LA.  Its cliché I know, but I’m an aspiring writer so it seems fitting.  And courtesy of the Mayan Calendar I had until at least December next year to get all of this done.  I’m starting to feel slightly ripped off here.

Now if the world ends tomorrow, I will never have a chance to do any of those things and then I’m going to have to write a strongly worded letter of complaint to the big man upstairs.  Lawyers may end up involved, it could get messy, and I’m sure none of us want to see that.  My nearest and dearest have seen me turn stern over bad customer service, imagine what I might actually do should the world end.  And is it our tomorrow NZ time, or your tomorrow US time and our tomorrow the day after.  Its all very confusing and actually makes my brain ache!

Anyway, enough of my mildly amusing ranting.  Lets break this down and see just why people believe the world will end tomorrow.  According to the “experts”; a term I use extremely loosely, it all comes down to a simple case of mathematics.  The first being that in Genesis 7:14, God said to Noah, “Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made."  Apparently when God referred to seven days, he meant both seven days and seven thousand years, because "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." The flood occurred in 4990 BC. Seven thousand years later is 2011 (Gus Lubin,  Now I’m pretty certain that when God was speaking to Noah at that exact moment, he was keeping it rather basic and in actual fact speaking of the event that was JUST about to take place.  In all my years reading the bible I’ve never seen him say “By the way a similar thing is going to happen in 7 thousand years, just keeping you on the down low there Noah.” 

There is also talk about the fact that the number of days between the crucifixion and May 21st is 722,500 days between these dates. 722,500 is a significant number because it is composed of the significant numbers 5x10x17x5x10x17. Five signifies redemption; ten signifies completion; and 17 signifies heaven. The numbers represent the day of redemption (5) and the end of the Christian era (10) and the ascent to heaven (17) -- and these factors are doubled for added significance (Gus Lubin, 

HUH??!!  Is anyone else left scratching their heads thinking people are grasping at straws here.  Now from what I remember of Revelations it also says that NO ONE knows when Christ will return, not even Christ himself.  I’m pretty certain based on that alone there aren't going to be mathematical cryptic clues left lying around for people to work out the day of his return or the rapture, or whatever else you want to call it.

Then again I was wrong about there being a second major earthquake in Christchurch.  Maybe Ken Ring our infamous moon man can tell us based on the the moon if Christ is on his way back.

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