Tuesday, 24 May 2011


It would seem that Harold Camping hasn’t learnt his lesson yet.  You would think that now with two failed predictions of judgement day and the apocalypse, he would realise he is flogging a dead horse.  First predicting the end of days in 1994, he claimed he got that wrong due to mathematical error.  Flash forward to May 2011 and we had millions fearing and believing that the time was upon us once again.  Funnily enough May 21st came and went without incident, and up until this point Mr Camping has kept rather quiet on the subject.  However he has now come forward and claimed once again that because of mathematical error his dates were out by 5 months.  Now we can wait with bated breath for October 21st 2011.

It looks like Harold Camping isn’t happy with the amount of chaos he has created already among his followers, with people leaving jobs and putting pets down.  No he is not satisfied, he is set to stir up the hornets nest all over again.  I urge you Mr Camping to go back and read your bible once again, paying particular attention to the following:  Matthew 24:36, "but about that day or hour no one knows" except God.  I would like to know why exactly you believe that you are the exception to that particular piece of scripture.  Why exactly do you believe that you are special enough that God has blessed you with the ability to figure out exactly what day Christ will return, when no one shall know.  How arrogant and egotistical do you have to believe that you are that important.  I think that if God was going to pass on this sort of knowledge he would have at least chosen someone that had a greater knowledge in the field of maths.  Not some dried up old man who obviously lacks the ability to count past one hundred.

The only rapture you will experience is the day you hear rapturous applause due to you finally learning to keep your mouth shut.

On that note I would enjoy hearing from Mr Camping and any of his faithful followers who wish to defend themselves in the wake of this debacle.  But I wont hold my breath for that to happen or the apocalypse.


  1. This Camping guy is a low life. I believe he is doing it for ratings, and I hope there's a "Public vs Camping" case that comes out of all of this so that he can be shut up for good.

  2. Hi Corey,

    Thanks for sharing your opinion. It is always welcome here.

    I couldn't agree with you more. The bible often talks about accountability, and I feel that if you chose to live your life by a certain faith system, then you should live it correctly.

    This is the second time he has gotten his calculations wrong, and yet here he is once again trying to convince people of something that has the potential to cause mass hysteria. In fact in my research today I came across several stories regarding people that took their own lives. Including a woman who took her children's lives and hers as a direct response to what Camping had predicted.

    He has already cause enough problems with the May prediction, and yet he continues. Someone needs to step in and do something about it.

  3. You'd think by now that people will see that he's doing this for the money. Because I think I'm safe to say that out of all the donations he receives, he doesn't spend it all on advertising/promotion. But yet I read comments on the Daily Mail website saying that he's "speaking the word of God". Pardon my language but bullshit!
    Oh well, people can do as they choose with their money, it just gives us sane people something to laugh at.

  4. Hey Scott,

    Thanks for your feedback also. I hear what you are saying and I agree completely. I don't believe for a minute that he is doing God's work. I believe he is a false prophet which the bible warns of.

    I am not a practicing Christian by any means. I was raised in a Christian home, but as an adult chose to walk a different path. I prefer to see myself as more spiritual than anything. However I do fundamentally have a belief system that stems from my Christian up bringing. I believe in a higher power, call it whatever you want. It is people like Camping that give Christians and faith a bad name, which quite frankly pisses me off. That is one of the reason I am amazed that people are still clinging to his every word.

    I just get so mad that someone is feeding people with fear in order to get themselves heard. Like I said my post the day after the supposed rapture, I am from Christchurch in New Zealand, a place that in the last 6 months has been devastated by two major earthquakes. Then we have places such as Japan and Rome also devastated recently. My point being that what sort of human being would spread the world is going to be destroyed by earthquakes, when so many people are fragile right now in regards to this subject.

    Its sick as far as I am concerned and with people leaving their jobs, selling their houses, putting their pets down, even killing themselves because they believed Camping. He should be held accountable for every negative outcome and made to pay compensation to these people out of his millions of dollars.

  5. I agree. It is people like Camping that give Christians a bad name, and he should be held accountable for his actions and give back all the money he basically conned from people.

    On a different note I wouldn't really call Camping and his followers "normal" Christians. I simply view them as a cult segment of Christianity.

    Like you said in your original blog post, it says in the Bible that no-one will know the return of Christ, and it fascinates me that these people look past that and still believe Camping.

    It is actually depressing to realise that there are people this easy to manipulate and convince in this day and age.

  6. It just goes to show that many people have no mind of their own and just blindly follow like lost sheep. One would think that it is the responsibilty of each and every believer to research for themselves what the bible says about the end of days. There are many signs that point to the end of days and natural disaters is only one of those signs. One needs to look at the whole picture so to speak and not just the bits they think are relevant. I believe Camping should be sued to the enth degree for all of his rantings and the fall out that has followed since his false prediction. It is time that people like this were held accountable and not left by the courts to continue to cause havoc because of religious convictions.

  7. Scott - I agree completely. Within every religious belief system there are always going to be extremists and fundamentalists that take it too far. We've seen it for years with Muslim and Islamic extremist branches. Now the Christians have one, Harold Camping.

    Karen - Very well said! I am amazed that these people that claim to be followers of God and his word have completely ignored what they have been taught and follow this charlatan.
