Monday, 23 May 2011


The Wellywood sign is the new bone of contention within Wellington.  This “fantastic” idea is brought to us by the company who owns the airport.  According to their Chief Executive, Steve Fitzgerald, it is meant to be tongue in cheek.  I think that the 30 metre wide Hollywood inspired monstrosity is more likely to be an embarrassment.  I mean the world already takes the piss out of us for our accents and our sheep shagging abilities.  Do we really need to draw any more attention to ourselves?

I think Mr Fitzgerald, you should be listening to the locals.  As of this morning more than 14,500 people liked the Facebook group "Wellingtonians Against the Wellywood Sign", while others voiced their disdain on Twitter and other websites.  Then again is it really that much of a surprise that Wellington Airport have decided to have another useless addition placed in the surrounding area.  We’ve all seen those ridiculous pieces of conceptual art that spin in the wind as you approach the Airport.  Pointless wastes of money that could be better spent updating the actual airport.  Its no wonder they charge so much for parking with all this money they spend on inane creations.


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